The VIQ produces a comprehensive report of approximately 14 pages for the student/client to read and analyse. The VIQ helps student/client to understand their interests and guides them through the process of researching and focussing on specific jobs in their career pathways.
The VIQ report includes an
Interest Profile, which lists their top categories of interest with a full explanation of what these mean. Also listed are
the specific job roles and tasks that they actually selected as “very appealing” and “liked” for their top 3 interest categories. This shows the student/client how they got the profile results that they did. The report also lists the
specific careers that relate to those preferred job roles and tasks.
Using these results and the job recommendations, the student/client are then guided through a
Career Action Plan and fill in a series of worksheets that help them to evaluate and work through their report. The VIQ report gives student/client instructions on how to use their report in conjunction with the "Good Careers Guide" ( which looks at a range of occupations along with the education or training pathways that are required. This Career Action Plan includes making Year 11 and 12 subject choices that will help them to pursue their chosen career path along with investigating training courses and tertiary courses.
Adults of course, do not need to fill out these latter two steps in the Career Action Plan.